
Polar re-alignment on stars in new SkyWatcher SynScan firmware


SkyWatcher released a new firmware for SynScan mounts - V3.28 BETA 20. This new version contains new feature - Polar Re-Alignment available previously in Celestron mounts. After doing standard 2 or 3 star mount alignment you can choose nearly any bright star on which you will be able to fix polar alignment of your mount. This is handy when you can't see Polaris.

Updating the firmware

You need to download SynScan firmware loader and the firmware file. Then extract them to an empty folder.

To update the firmware in your SynScan hand controller you need to connect it to the computer with a RS232/USB cable. If you have it you need to proceed as described:

Firmware updater application
Firmware updater application

The new thing - Polar Re-Alignment

In the hand controller you will be able to see two new things. When you do a 2/3 star alignment the controller will show calculated misalignment as Mel and Maz (elongation and azimuth axis). It's recommended to do a 3-star alignment but on a limited access to the sky it may be hard to find 3 stars creating nice triangle. Do a 2-star alignment instead. In both cases you must be very precise when centering alignment stars. Poor alignment will give false misalignment data.

misalignment after 2-star alignment
misalignment after 2-star alignment
misalignment after Arcturus centering in polar re-alignment mode
misalignment after Arcturus centering in polar re-alignment mode

In the Alignment tab aside of 1/2/3 star alignment you will also get Polar Re-Alignment mode. When you select it you will get a list of stars you can use for this. If you used 2-star alignment try using one of those two stars for better accuracy.

Polar Re-Alignment in hand controller
This feature works like so: This re-alignment seems to work correctly when the mount is aligned with good accuracy. If you see it wants you to put weird corrections - start again the whole process.
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